Most of the items are shipped from our warehouses in the US, and some of the items are shipped from Hong Kong. After you click on the size on the item page, you can see the estimated time when it can be delivered. If you cannot find your country on the checkout page, it means this country cannot be delivered for uncontrollable reasons. All costs incurred by the customs are borne by the customer; we can cover part of your loss with shopping credits.
Option 1. Free shipping (Normally 8-12 Working days)
We provide super saver free shipping for all orders with the package within 1KG. If the package is over 1KG. You need to pay for a little shipping fee.
Note: Orders from France and other specific countries do not have Super Saver Shipping;please contact us for further help.
Option 2.Express Shipping(5-8 Working days)
We also offer Express Shipping to ensure faster and safer shipment. Please refer to the express shipping fee list for different countries. If any countries are not listed, we are happy to answer.
Country | Order Amount | Express Shipping Fee |
United States | $0 - 100 | $22.00 |
$101 - 200 | $19.90 | |
$201 - 250 | $14.90 | |
$250+ | $9.90 | |
Canada | $0 - 160 | $21.99 |
$160+ | $19.99 | |
France | $0 - 160 | $25.99 |
$160+ | free |
Note: Once your order is shipped out, you will receive a tracking number by Email from us. If you don't receive the email or the package by any chance, I would appreciate it that you could contact us within 15 days. If you contact us after the deadline, please understand that we may not be able to make compensation. Email us: service@vancaro.com
After we send out your order, an automatic shipment email with the tracking number will be sent to the email address which you have used to place your order. In this email just get the tracking URL of the shipping courier and tracking number, then you will see the latest update of your parcel.
So please ensure you have given the right email address of yours so that you can receive the automatic shipment email from us, if you have not received the email in 3 days, you can just send us an email to service@vancaro.com asking for the shipment information.
At the same time, you can also login your account to get the tracking number if you have not received the shipment email. Just follow the steps below:
Order Status:
Please Note that we are investing more technical resource to make our system powerful and giving a better user experience, but it's a step by step processes, if you have some troubles or problems with our system, please let us know.
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personalized shopping!